HY-SW1041-SD / How to Setup Hybrone Smart Smoke Detector ?

Modified on Wed, 25 Sep at 3:07 PM

About the Hybrone Smart Smoke Detector



Hybrone Account

First of all, you must have a Hybrone Cloud account to deploy and manage the Hybrone Smart Smoke Detector.

You can complete the device setup process by logging into your Hybrone account with the Hybrone Mobile application. In your account, select the location where you want to add the device and then click the add new devicebutton. The add new device wizard will be launched.


Communication Definitions and Considerations

An active internet connection is required to track the device and receive notifications. Device setup is done with the Hybrone mobile application.The instructions on the application show the necessary procedures.

Before starting the setup, router settings may need to be adjusted. The device supports 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi frequency band. The router Wi-Fi frequency must be set to 2.4 GHz band. Also make a note of the Wi-Fi name and password. The device sends health information to the Hybrone server every 8 hours in the absence of any alarm. If 3 consecutive times no health information is received, the device is considered offline.


Adding a Device to Hybrone

In Hybrone Mobile application, the wizard for adding a new device is started and the instructions on the screen are followed respectively. Here, device type "IoT Sensor" and device brand "Hybrone" should be selected. In the next steps, your device will be found automatically and the wizard will continue and the device addition process will be completed.

If your device cannot be added automatically, you can try the manual addition method.

 By opening the manual addition screen, you must first enter the Wi-Fi information you want to connect the device to the internet and then set the connection mode on the device.

Press the connection button three times in a row and the green LED will flash quickly (about 2 times per second).


Press the connection button three times in a row and the green LED will blink slowly (about 1 time in 3 seconds).

Activating the Device

Once your device has been successfully added, the new device addition wizard will direct you to the device subscription package selection screen. On this screen, select the appropriate subscription package, continue the steps in the wizard and complete the process of activating your device in your Hybrone account.

Hybrone Smart Wi-Fi Smoke Detector, Hybrone Mobile after adding it to the app then to test the wireless connection press the test button. Alarm conditions are activated when the alarm message arrives, you can quickly will be transmitted in some way. No alarm in case the device does not recognize the battery status will periodically notify the application. Device absence of any alarm in the case of Hybrone every 8 hours sends health information to the server 3 times consecutive failure to receive health information in case the device is taken offline evaluated.


1. Silencing the detector in case of false detected fire alarm conditions do not remove or disconnect the battery for this may cause a fire will put your safety at risk. To silence a false alarm open the windows in the room where the detector is located, or open the allow the air to disperse.

2. The test button ensures that all functions of the smoke detector in this way. Please do not use a different method. Smoke test the detector on a weekly basis.

3. This appliance should only be installed by an experienced technician.Comply with all local and national electrical and building codes for installation must be complied with.

4.This smoke detector is a complete and professional fire alarm systems as priority protection for buildings requiring are not designed. These are hotels, dormitories, hospitals, shopping buildings such as centers, production facilities. However, this smoke detector can be used as additional protection for each room. 

5.One smoke detector in each room and on each floor of the space position. Fire smoke is smoke for many reasons may not reach the detector. For example, in a remote part of the venue, on another floor, chimney, wall, roof or in a closed door. If a fire situation occurs on the other side, smoke will enter the space may not spread. For this reason, to warn people in the space the smoke detector may not be able to detect a fire situation in time. The smoke detector can detect fire outside the area or room where it is located cannot immediately recognize its condition. 

6. The smoke detector will detect each person in the room every time may not warn. To warn people of a potential danger makes a loud alarm sound. However, it is not possible for any person there may be limiting circumstances that it may not hear. These can be external or internal noise, deep sleep, blackouts as a result of substance abuse, there may be conditions such as hearing difficulties.

7. If you think that the smoke detector won't alert the person or people inside the premises, opt for special fire alarm systems and ensure they are properly maintained. Individuals inside the premises should hear the alarm warning sound to reduce the risk of damage, injury, or death caused by fire and respond to it promptly. If someone in the premises has hearing difficulties, use special fire alarm devices with lights or vibrations.

8.Alarm condition when smoke detectors only detect smoke they create. Smoke detectors detect combustible particles in the air, They do not detect temperature, flame or gas. This smoke detector to audibly warn of a developing fire designed. However, many types of fire are fast-burning, explosive or intentional. Carelessness or safety to others vulnerability. Fire smoke can be blocked by smoke in order to ensure safe escape may not reach the smoke detector fast enough.

9. Smoke detectors have some limits. This smoke detector it is not perfect, it does not guarantee complete security of life and property that smoke detectors will work. Smoke detectors instead of fuses does not pass. Owners and users of spaces are protecting their lives and property insured. In addition, smoke detectors can be installed at any time may malfunction. Therefore, weekly periodic testing must be realized.

3. Where Should The Device Be Positioned?

3.1 Smoke detectors should be positioned within the space considering sleeping areas and potential fire sources. Smoke detectors should be placed in every possible room (compartment) within a living space. To ensure audibility in bedrooms, they should not be positioned further than 3 meters from the room door. Particularly if the corridor area exceeds 15 meters, it may be necessary to position multiple smoke detectors. In multi-story or two-story spaces, on each floor, at least one smoke detector should be positioned in circulation areas (corridors and landings) forming part of the escape route between rooms with a staircase and potential fire sources on the ground floor.

3.2 Additional fire detection devices should be installed in environments such as electrical wiring infrastructure, lighting, devices carrying fire risk, and areas prone to potential fire sources like smoking areas. This is to detect fire situations that may arise from potential fire sources such as electrical wiring, lighting, devices carrying fire risk, and smoking.

3.3 For optimal protection, in addition to the situations outlined in section 4, smoke detectors should be installed in every section of the premises. In environments where smoke detectors are not suitable, temperature detectors can be used.

3.4 Position smoke detectors in the premises no more than 7.5 meters from the farthest wall, no more than 7.5 meters from the door of any room where a fire could start, and no more than 7.5 meters from the next smoke detector.

3.5 Since it is impossible to predict the source of a fire, the best location for an alarm is typically the middle of a room or corridor. If you need to mount a smoke detector on the wall, always position it at a level between 15 cm and 30 cm below the ceiling and above the doors and other openings.

3.6 In rooms with simple sloping, pointed, or triangular ceilings, position the smoke detector 90 cm away from the highest point of the ceiling. The "dead air" at the top of a ceiling can hinder the timely detection of fire smoke.

3.7 Read sections 4 and 13 of this manual carefully.

An example of a single-story sleeping zone.

An example of multiple sleeping zones on a single floor.

An example of Two Floors.

4. Places To Avoid

Do not position the smoke detector in the following places.

4.1 Fans, air conditioners, heaters, and turbulent air caused by doors and windows within the premises may obstruct the fire smoke from reaching the smoke detector.

4.2 In rooms with simple sloping, pointed, or triangular ceilings, the "dead air" at the top can hinder the timely arrival of smoke to the smoke detector, thereby preventing early warning. (See Section 3)

4.3 Insects entering the smoke detector can affect its detection performance.

4.4 Environments such as kitchens, boiler rooms, laundry rooms, and garages, as well as situations like cooking and exhaust fumes from vehicles, can create false alarms due to combustible particles, dust, and moisture.

4.5 In heavily dusty or dirty environments, dust and dirt may accumulate inside the smoke detector's chamber. This accumulation can affect the detector's detection performance.

4.6 Smoke detectors should not be positioned closer than 30cm to lighting units and wall corners.

4.7 Smoke detectors should not be positioned in places where periodic testing and maintenance would pose a hazard (e.g., above stairwells).

4.8 They should not be placed in poorly insulated walls or ceilings.

4.9 Smoke detectors should not be located near objects such as ceiling decorations that could obstruct the passage of fire smoke to the smoke detector.

4.10 Smoke detectors should not be positioned closer than 150cm to fluorescent lighting units.

5. How To Install The Device

5.1 Press and hold the test button on the smoke detector for 3 seconds. Observe the rapid blinking of the red light and listen for the intermittent sound indicating that the audible alert is active.

5.2 Choose an appropriate surface in the installation area and use a drill to create holes suitable for the device.

5.3 Place the anchors into the holes, ensuring that the top of the anchor is flush with the surface.

5.4 Secure the detector mounting bracket by placing screws into the anchors.


 5.5 Place the main body of the detector onto the mounting bracket and rotate it until you hear a "click" sound, indicating that the installation is securely in place.

5.6 Press and hold the test button on the smoke detector for 1 second. Observe the rapid blinking of the red light and listen for the intermittent sound indicating that the audible alert is active.

6. Visual and Audible Warnings

Normal Status

Red LED every 53s 


Test Status

Red LED blinks fast

goes out

Short Fast Beep
Alarm Status

Red LED blinks fast 

goes out

Short Fast Beep
Low Battery

Red LED every 53s 


Beep every 53 seconds
Failure Status

Red LED every 53s flashes.

In Alarm Status Local Audio Cut

Red LED every 10s 


None (Duration: approx. 10 


Cut Local Audio on Low Battery

Red LED every 53s 


None (Duration: approx. 12 


In Alarm Condition Remote Audio Cut

Red LED flashes every 53s

None (Duration: approx. 10 


 7. False Alarm Control

When the Smoke Detector is activated, it has a False Alarm Control feature that will silence false alarms for up to 10 minutes. Here's how to activate False Alarm Control:

- Press and release the test button during a false alarm.

- This indicates that the detector is in False Alarm Control mode.

If the detector does not enter False Alarm Control mode and continues to sound the alarm, or if it initially enters False Alarm Control mode and then sounds the alarm again, it indicates that the smoke is too dense and there may be a potentially dangerous situation. In this case, take emergency measures.

The product sends health information to the Hybrone server every 8 hours if there are no alarms. If health information cannot be received three times in a row, the device is considered offline.

 7. Battery Replacement

8.1 Remove the main body of the smoke detector by turning it off from the mounting bracket.

8.2 Remove the existing battery from the battery compartment and insert the new battery in the correct orientation. When the detector is powered on, the red LED will flash once. Hold down the test button, and if the detector sounds the alarm three times, it indicates that the detector is operating normally.


If the battery is replaced incorrectly, there may be a risk of explosion.
Only use batteries of the same or equivalent type.

 8. Test & Maintenance

The smoke detector is as maintenance-free as possible designed, but in order to ensure proper functioning.There are a few things you need to do to keep it working properly;

9.1 Test at least once a week.

The test button verifies all functions correctly. Do not use an open flame to test this detector. This type of test can cause damage by igniting the detector or the surrounding environment.

Test the detector weekly and when no one is present in the premises for several days.

Stand at arm's length away from the smoke detector during testing. The alarm siren is loud to alert you to an emergency, and exposure to the siren sound at close range can be harmful.

a. To test the detector, press and hold the test button for more than 1 second. The detector will emit loud short beeps. The alarm may stop when the test button is released.

b. If the detector does not emit any sound, check whether the main body is properly attached to the mounting bracket.


9.2. Clean the detector at least once a month; gently clean the exterior of the detector with a soft brush. Don't forget to test the detector after cleaning. Avoid using water-based or solvent cleaners as they may damage the device.

9.3. If the detector becomes excessively dirty with dirt, dust, and grime, and cannot be cleaned, replace the detector immediately.

9.4. If the detector consistently produces false alarms, try changing its location. Refer to Section 4 for details.

9.5. When the battery is weak, the smoke detector emits a beep every 53 seconds (low battery warning). To ensure the continued function of the smoke detector, replace the battery immediately.

10. Fire Safety Application


If the smoke detector alarm siren activates without the test button being pressed, it is a warning of a dangerous situation. Immediate action is necessary. Develop escape plans for such events, discuss them with all occupants of the premises, and practice them regularly.

10.1. Expose every person in the premises to the smoke detector alarm sound and explain its meaning.

10.2. Identify TWO exits from each room and a way out from each exit.

10.3. Teach all occupants to feel the door and use an alternate exit if the door is hot. TEACH THEM NOT TO OPEN THE DOOR IF IT IS HOT.

10.4. Teach occupants to crawl on the floor to avoid dangerous smoke and gases.

10.5. Establish a safe meeting place outside the building for all occupants.

11. What To Do In Case Of Fire

11.1. Don't panic, stay calm.

11.2. Evacuate the building as quickly as possible. Before opening them, feel the doors to see if they are hot. Use an alternative exit if necessary. Move by crawling on the floor and do not stop to retrieve any belongings.

11.3. Meet at a pre-designated meeting place outside the building.

11.4. Call the fire department from OUTSIDE the building.

11.5. DO NOT RETURN INTO A BURNING BUILDING. Wait for the fire department to arrive.

These instructions will assist you in the event of a fire. However, apply fire safety rules and prevent hazardous situations to reduce the likelihood of a fire occurring.


12. Troubleshooting

Detector is not responding

Please note that the detector main body 

correctly on the mounting foot 

check that it is installed.

The red LED flashes and beeps every 53s.

Battery level is low. 

Replace the battery or the detector.

Two red LEDs on 53s 

blinking once.

The detector is not working properly. Please 

clean the inside of the detector or 

immediately with a new detector 

change it

Smoke detector base 

at times or 

cooking, showering 

when buying, etc. undesirable 

generates alarms

1. Clean the detector. Section 9. 


2. Move the detector to another location 

to install it, see Section 3.

13. Detector Limitations

Smoke detectors have played a significant role in reducing deaths caused by home fires worldwide. However, like any warning device, smoke detectors can only function effectively when installed in the appropriate location, maintained properly, and when smoke reaches the detector. They may not provide flawless protection.

13.1. Smoke detectors cannot operate without electrical power. If the battery is weak, disconnected, or depleted, if the wrong type of battery is used, or if the battery is improperly installed, the detector will not function.

13.2. Smoke detectors may not wake up all occupants in the premises where they are installed. Practice the escape plan with all occupants of the premises at least twice a year. Allow children to become proficient in fire escape planning and practice before conducting a fire drill while they are asleep at night. If children or others cannot wake up immediately to the sound of the smoke alarm device, or if there are infants or members of the premises with limited mobility, ensure that there are individuals assigned to assist them in the event of a fire drill and emergency. It is recommended to conduct fire drills while occupants are asleep to assess their response to the sound. 

13.3. Smoke detectors are not flawless. Like any electronic device, smoke detectors are made up of components that can wear out or malfunction at any time. To ensure continuous protection, you should test the detector weekly.

Smoke detectors cannot prevent or extinguish fires. They do not replace property or life insurance.

13.4. If fire smoke does not reach the smoke detector, the detector cannot detect fires. Smoke from fires in chimneys, walls, roofs, or on the other side of closed doors may not reach the location of the detector. Therefore, especially if bedroom or sleeping area doors are closed at night, a smoke detector should be positioned in the corridor between them and in each bedroom or sleeping area.

Even if the alarm siren in the smoke detector meets or exceeds current standards, it may not be heard in the following situations:

1. If the detector is located outside of a closed or partially closed door,

2. If the occupants of the premises are under the influence of alcohol or substances,

3. If various sounds and noises in the surroundings have masked the alarm sound,

4. If there are hearing-impaired or deeply sleeping individuals, specialized units such as visual and auditory alarms should be installed for these individuals.

13.5. Some fires may produce smoke that may not reach the detector immediately, so there may not be time for the smoke detector to sound the alarm before the fire itself causes damage, injury, or death. Examples of such fires include those caused by people smoking indoors, children playing with matches, or severe explosions caused by leaking gas.

13.6. Smoke detectors have a limited lifespan. If a detector is not functioning properly, it should be replaced immediately. A smoke detector should be replaced after 10 years from the date of purchase.

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